Staff Appreciation Week

Staff Appreciation Week, May 1-5

We will be celebrating the wonderful staff of AVA the week of May 1-5.  There are several ways you and your children can partake in this celebration:

“Thank You Notes”

On Monday, May 1st, we would like to start the week with thanks from our students.  We ask each student to bring in a note of thanks, or a few kind words to describe their teacher, or a drawing for their teacher to thank them for all they do for them each day.  Please present these notes to your teachers on the way into your classroom.  

We want to be sure to also thank our admin, BASE, cafeteria, office, facilities and all the staff at AVA.  So, if you are so inclined, please write an extra note of thanks and we shall distribute them to all the non-teaching staff on Monday (staff names are not necessary, just heartfelt notes of thanks).  On May 1st, there will be boxes at the entrances to the school to drop these letters in and we shall distribute them that day.

“Adopt a Staff Member”

Adopt a staff member and provide them with a small token of our appreciation.  Gifts will be collected all week and distributed to the staff members.  For gift ideas, please refer to the Staff Favorite Things Page on the AVA website.  Please sign up by Wednesday, April 26th so we can ensure all our staff are taken care of.    


We will be hosting a raffle on Thursday for the staff to potentially win a “special” prize.  If you have a local business and are interested in donating a service, or if you would like to provide a gift card to a local restaurant/coffee shop/flower shop, etc please utilize the attached sign up genius, then drop off any gift cards/raffle items to the front office by Wednesday, April 26th.