Vote now in AVA's Board of Directors Election

The AVA Board of Directors Election is now open for voting. Due to a technical glitch, the email with the voting link just went out this morning. Please click on that link and vote! 
Our elected officials really do matter, and they matter all the way down to our school.  As a reminder, the school has two upcoming open Board positions.  One seat is an elected position and the other is an appointed position that the Board may choose to fill.    

The ability of AVA to carry out its mission and vision depends upon the strength of our organizational foundation, beginning with the Board of Directors. Members serving on the Board of Directors advocate for AVA’s educational philosophy, successfully fulfill legal requirements and carry out the school’s mission and vision. Board directors use their backgrounds, experience, and skills to focus on oversight and matters of strategic importance. Serving on the AVA Board is an opportunity to ensure that AVA is and remains the premier charter school in Castle Rock. 

Voting closes at 11:45pm (MST) on May 17th. The results of the election will be announced at our next Board meeting on May 18th.  
If you did not receive an email with the link to vote, please contact [email protected]

Thank you for your participation