Board of Directors Open Positions

Governing Board Openings

Per Aspen View Academy By-laws, two seats on the Aspen View Academy Governing Board will be ending in May 2024. One of the seats is an elected seat. The additional seat is appointed, and may be appointed by the AVA Board of Directors at their May 16th, 2024 meeting. 

Board Election Process

If you would like to be considered for the elected 3-year term on the AVA Board of Directors, please complete the  nomination form. The nomination will require 10 signatures of eligible voters: AVA parents and staff. The form must be turned in to the AVA front office by Wednesday April 22nd at 4:00pm. When submitted, the form will be time stamped, and you will be given a receipt acknowledging acceptance of the nomination form. If there is only one nominee, the nominee will win the seat, and there will be no election. If no nominations are received, the current AVA Board of Directors will appoint the seat.

Candidates are required to submit a  campaign questionnaire  to answer a few basic questions about board service. When submitted, the answers may not exceed two pages and must be submitted by April 22nd at 4:00pm to Eric Lute at campaign questionnaire for each candidate will be posted on the school website and emailed to the school community on April 24th. There will be a candidate forum at the AVA board meeting on April 25thas part of the Board's Working Session. Candidates will be required to attend the April Board meeting to participate in the candidate Q&A.

The election will take place May 9th through May 13th. Each parent and AVA staff member may vote per  AVA Board Election Policy. No Proxy voting will be allowed.

The election committee requests that all candidates and members of the AVA community abide by the following expectations:

  • Focus on philosophy, policy, and issues
  • No personal attacks
  • No campaigning on school property
  • Keep the campaign positive in nature, reflecting the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. values of AVA

The election committee reserves the right to disqualify any candidate who fails to abide by these expectations.

The AVA Election Committee will tabulate the votes and announce the results at the May 16th AVA Board meeting. The AVA board may also appoint the member seat at the AVA Board meeting on May 16th.

Please contact Eric Lute at with any questions or additional points of clarification.