Official Count Day!

Aspen View Academy (through the Douglas County School District) is funded via the Public School Finance Act of 1994. Monies provided to the district are to fund the cost of providing public education. Funding is based on the number of students enrolled and in attendance on the "official count day". Aspen View Academy's budget is based on the number of students counted as being in attendance on this date. 
October 1st is the official count date for this school year.  Recognizing that illness happens, the State of Colorado does provide an 11 day window. The window is Monday, September 24, 2024 -Tuesday, October 8, 2024. This allows us to count students who may have to miss school on October 1st due to illness or emergencies.  
We ask that you make every effort to have your student in school on October 1st, the official count day. Please do not schedule any doctor's appointments or vacations. (Although please do not send a sick student to school). 
Thank you for your support!