Book Vending Machines

AVA is lucky enough to have our very own Book Vending Machines!!! The PTO has purchased two Book Vending Machines for the school.
One vending machine is for the lower elementary school and one for upper elementary / middle school. Each is stocked with new and exiciting books for students to read!
Students who exemplify the monthly character trait earn a coin (token) that works on the vending machine.
Once a student has earned a coin, they can go to the vending machine (located in the atrium) and select a book. The book is theirs to read and keep.
The book is a prize for being a good example of the monthly character trait(s).
We hope this encourages students to live the character traits being taught and encourages a love of reading!

Do you want to recommend a book or book series to include in the Book Vending Machine? The PTO welcomes all requests! Please fill out this form to request books!