PTO » Parent Teacher Organization

Parent Teacher Organization

Welcome to the Aspen View Academy PTO Home Page. Here you will find all PTO information, fundraisers, volunteering opportunities and events.
Your support and participation is what makes AVA great! We welcome all volunteers and help!

What is the PTO?

The PTO organizes, communicates, and facilitates fundraisers that align with the school’s vision while helping to achieve AVAs fundraising goals.  The PTO also works to foster and promote positive interaction among AVA parents, teachers, staff, administration, and the surrounding community. 

PTO Meetings

The PTO meets the Second Tuesday of every month from 7-9 pm at AVA. All parents are welcome! You can log volunteer hours for attending our meetings!

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Please don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook so you can follow us throughout the school year.
 Look for Aspen View Academy PTO on Facebook

Contact Us

Contact us!

Do you have a question? Do you want more information about the PTO? Do you have an idea? Please let us know! You can send an email to the PTO Committee at [email protected].