
Did you know that you can search our school's library online? To see what books are in the library, click the link below (or the search box to the right).
Library Rules
- Students are responsible for handling library books with care, since they are for everyone to share. Please keep books away from pets, food, and all liquids.
- Any book damage should be reported to the library as soon as possible so we can attempt repairs. Email me at [email protected]
- Library books may be kept for 2-4 weeks then must be returned. A book may be renewed (checked out again) if the student is not finished reading it. An overdue (late) book means a student cannot borrow another book (until the overdue book is renewed or returned).
- If a book is lost, payment toward a replacement will be requested from the parents. Fees will be assessed on My School Bucks.
- When students are not reading their library books, please help remind them to put them in their backpacks or a consistent place in the home.
Library Schedule
Looking for a good book?
Student Book Checkout