***We are a peanut, and tree nut free classroom***
AVA offers water bottle filling stations and not drinking fountains. Be sure and send your child to school with a water bottle every day.
Google Classroom Login Information
Google Classroom Login Help
Logging in to Google Classroom:
* Please use your student's username with the extension "@s.avak8.org" when logging into both the Google web browser and the Google application (some user names have numbers in them). The PW is Ava and their lunch number. Please see the format example below:
[email protected]
* Both the Google application and the Classroom must be logged in this way. You, as the parent, cannot be logged into Google and then your student try to log into Google Classroom. Please look at the picture as an example of what I am referencing.
* If you continue to have problems, please e-mail our IT Department at TechSupport@AspenViewAcademy.org and they can help!
06: Teacher Workday
07: Welcome Back to School!
10: Spirit Wear Day
10: Last Day to Purchase a Yearbook!
10: Last Day of 2nd Quarter
13: 3rd Quarter Begins
15: Pay for Dress of Choice
15: Shake Shack Spirit Night
20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
31: Free Dress of Choice
06: Class Picture Day
11: Nothing Bunt Cakes - Spirit Day
14: Spirit Wear Day
17: Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL
19: Pay for Dress of Choice
28: Free Dress of Choice
11: Spring Conferences 4-8pm
12: Pay for Dress of Choice
13: Spring Conferences 4-8pm
13: Spirit Wear Day
14: Comp Day - NO SCHOOL
17-21: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
24: 4th Quarter Begins
28: Free Dress of Choice
- Google Classroom: http://classroom.google.com
- AR: https://hosted100.renlearn.com/244814/default.aspx
- AR bookfind: https://www.arbookfind.com/UserType.aspx?RedirectURL=%2fdefault.aspx
- Flash Card Math: https://ascendmath.com/fcm/html5/
- Math Playground: https://www.mathplayground.com/grade_5_games.html
- Wolf Shack: https://avawolfshack.square.site/
- Epic: www.getepic.com/students
- NWEA (MAPS) Practice Test: https://studentresources.nwea.org/app/gradetwoplus/gradeTwoPlus.html
- Mrs. Lasher's Website
- Mrs. Kendall's Website
- Mrs. Fallis's Website
CURRICULM FOR 5th GRADE - January 7th-10th:
Math: We will complete Lessons 52, 53, 54, and 55 this week. Some of the "New Concepts" in our lessons this week include mentally dividing decimal numbers by 10 and 100, simplifying fractions, dividing fractions, and common denominators.
***Please make sure books are covered. Please use paper bags as the elastic covers do not protect the books that well. Here are instructions on how to cover the math book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fpaUSjqXro or https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Book-Cover
ELA: Students are enjoying the crazy adventures of Don Quixtoe! We will continue reading about Don Quixtoe and will continue our work on the unit project for writing which is a persuasive essay. Before break, students practiced writing claims, or thesis statements. This week students will write a rough draft of their introductory paragraph. They will also begin to plan their two body paragraphs which will support the claim they made in their introductory paragraph using evidence from the text.
Science: Our current unit in science is "Modeling Earth's Systems." After an introduction to Earth's four spheres, we've taken a closer look at the hydrosphere, the geosphere, and the atmosphere. This week we will take a closer look at the biosphere which included all living things on Earth. We will also begin talking about how the 4 spheres interact with one another.
History: Please refer to Mrs. Fallis' website for information regarding history.
Specials and STEAM Schedule: