Bre Premschak » Bre Premschack

Bre Premschack

Mrs. Premschak has been a part of AVA family since the inaugural school year of 2013. The curriculum, culture and philosophy of the school is what drew AVA to her. Mrs. Premschak has 15 years experience in the educations system in a variety of socioeconomic settings. She believes that relational capacity with students, parents and staff is vital to success at school. 


Mrs. Premschak began her journey at AVA as a lead 4th Grade Teacher. Mrs. Premschak's ability to analyze, interoperate and implement strategies using data driven instruction lead her to support Kindergarten through 8th grade students and teachers being the coordinator of interventions, 504 Plans and school wide assessments.  


Background image  Bre  Premschak`s profile picture
Bre Premschak
Special Education