Debbie Power » Debbie Power

Debbie Power

Happy April! Spring is in the air! I'm back and I missed all my students!  I can't wait to share some of my pics with them.
As a reminder as we enter our 4th and final quarter of 3rd Grade. When your student enters 4th Grade, they will notice that it comes a lot of responsibility. As we finish out our year I want to continue to prepare them with the skills needed to be successful in the coming years here at AVA! 
Last week, we wrapped up Unit 8: Native Americans. Students will be taking their Unit Assessment on Monday, March 31st. Our next CKLA Unit 9 is all about Explorers and the Exploration of North America! Students will be learning about a different explorer through each lesson and we will finish out this unit with a Living Explorer Museum - you will receive information about this in the coming weeks! 
Over the next two weeks, we will be preparing students for their first year of CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success). These tests will take place April 14th-16th. Please be sure that your students are on time to school and that no appointments are scheduled for these 3 days! Keep an eye out for an email from me about CMAS Snack Sign Ups! 
With love,
Mrs. Power
  • Please send your student to school with a filled water bottle as well as a couple healthy snacks for the day.
  • Reminder that we are a TREE nut-free classroom. 
  • Colorado weather changes hourly, so please pack your student appropriate attire for the day. 
  • We will have PE every Tuesdays- and some Fridays. Please have your student wear tennis shoes for those days.


4/11: Spirit Wear
4/14-4/16: CMAS Test Dates
4/18: Teacher Plan Day
4/21: DIBELs Testing
4/25: Free Dress of Choice
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday  Friday
Math Lesson 103
Spelling 9.1
Read 30 min Read 30 min
Read 30 min
Spelling Test 9.1 
Language Arts: 
Students will be working on the following grammar concepts this week: Timed Writing Prompts, Linking Words, Multiple Meaning Words, and Prefixes pro-/anti-. 
Homeroom Read Aloud: Holes by Louis Sachar


Unit 9: Exploration of North America
There will be THREE total Spelling Tests for this Unit and an End of Unit Assessment.  Students will be reading non-fiction chapters about Explorers while keeping an expedition log and an explorer chart on each explorers: motivations, interactions, and achievements. 
Reading Skills: Comprehension, Cause and Effect, and 5 W's and 1 H Questions.
Foundational Skills: Fluency and Non-Sense Words
CKLA Read Aloud: The Age of Exploration
Spelling: /ue/ sound with Spellings: 'u_e' and 'u'


Lessons: 103-107
- Please be sure they are checking their work and labeling their answers.
Homework: Most days homework is started in class and any unfinished work goes home to complete. Keep working on multiplication/division facts.




The Exploration of North America:
This week students will be learning about the following Explorers and concepts: Early Spanish Explorers (Columbus and Ponce de Leon), Hernando de Soto, El Dorado and Coronado, and Early Spanish Settlements.  


If time allows, our next and final Science Unit will be Ecology! 


 HISTORY: : visit Mrs. Stump's website 

Daily Schedule - 3rd Grade

Time Subject
8:00 - 8:20 Morning Work and Meeting
8:20 - 9:00 CKLA Knowledge & Writing (Homeroom)
9:00 - 9:25 WIN
9:30 - 10:25 CKLA Skills (In Skills Group Classes)
10:30 - 11:15 Specials
11:20 - 11:40 Lunch
11:40 - 12:00 Recess
12:05 - 12:35 Math (In Skills Group Classes)
12:40 - 1:25 STEAM
1:30 - 2:00  Math (In Skills Group Classes)
2:05 - 2:20 Recess/Snack
2:25 - 3:20 History/Science (Homeroom)
3:25 - 3:30 Pack-Up and Dismissal

SPECIALS Schedule:


Mon Library
  Tues PE



Character ED

  Fri Rotates through M/T/W/TH

STEAM Schedule:

same for  a whole week 


Red Week Tech
  Orange Week  Art

Green Week 

  Blue Week  Music

Meet Mrs. Power

I'm so excited to begin my eleventh year at Aspen View! I love living in  Colorado and have become a huge Avalanche fan!  I am beginning my 32nd year of teaching!!   I absolutely love the positive culture here at Aspen View! Greeting my students each morning with handshakes and hugs is one of the best parts of my day!

I enjoy the outdoors, hiking, fishing, sailing, and just being in the sun.

I also love going to concerts, movies, sporting events, playing cards, spending time with my husband and three sons, and of course I need to add shopping!

I am most excited to be in such a positive environment, with supportive and encouraging administration and staff! I can't wait to start the new year!


Classroom Philosophy

Our Social Contract has been created, agreed upon, and signed.  We will follow our RESPECT model of behavior. Learning will take place in a safe, inviting, and fun environment. Communication between parents, teachers and students will provide the teamwork needed for a successful third grade year!!