Molly O'Reilly
Hello! My name is Molly O'Reilly and I'm the Library Specialist for Aspen View Academy. Prior to being the Library Specialist at AVA, I've had the privilege of working alongside staff and students as a Para and Lunchroom Supervisor. I've also had experience teaching preschool and third grade prior to starting my family. My goals as the Library Specialist are to teach the students basic library/technology skills and to LOVE reading!
I can be reached at [email protected] or 720-733-3436
Kindergarten: 1:30-2:15 MONDAY-Kruzel TUESDAY-Cabay WEDNESDAY-Wilson THURSDAY-Combe FRIDAY-Hogue
1st Grade: 9:20-10:05 MONDAY-Coffelt TUESDAY-Spivey WEDNESDAY-Miller THURSDAY-Robertson FRIDAY-check with homeroom teacher
2nd Grade: 12:40-1:25 MONDAY-Reynolds TUESDAY-Huffman WEDNESDAY-Monheiser THURSDAY-Savic FRIDAY-check with homeroom teacher
3rd Grade: 10:30-11:15 MONDAY-Power TUESDAY-Chambless WEDNESDAY-Alvarez THURSDAY-Stump FRIDAY-check with homeroom teacher
4th Grade: 2:35-3:20 MONDAY-Lipnick TUESDAY-Telarico WEDNESDAY-Markert THURSDAY-Davis FRIDAY-check with homeroom teacher
5th Grade: 8:20-9:05 MONDAY-Kendall TUESDAY-Fallis WEDNESDAY-Kolmetz THURSDAY-Lasher FRIDAY-check with homeroom teacher
Student Book Checkout
Kindergarten-1st Grade: Students will have the opportunity to choose a book from a wonderful selection of grade level, appropriate books. Students will choose one book each week in the library. I will teach students proper book care and how to return them on time. They must return their library book before being able to check out a new book each week. I recommend having your child re-read and work on fluency during the time they have a library book. Please have them place their library book in their backpack when they are finished reading it.
2nd Grade-5th Grade: Students will be expected to learn and utilize their STUDENT ID NUMBER (same as their lunch number) in order to check out books this year. I will assist with book checkout until the students are confident enough to do it on their own. We will start off the school year with one book checkout, working our way to 2 books. They must return their library book before being able to check out a new book each week. Students will be reminded to find a JUST RIGHT BOOK to ensure they are engaged and captivated with their book selection. Please have them place their library book in their backpacks when they are finished reading them.
***Students can return library books any time to their classroom book cart. These books will be brought with them on their assigned library day. Students are expected to take good care of all library books when borrowing them. AVA will charge a damaged or lost book fee if necessary.
Middle School Students: Students will be able to reserve a library book online using the AVA Destiny Program. Think of it as a virtual catalog of books. They will be taught how to do this so that they can choose a book in their own time and then pick it up from the library at their convenience.
Dear Parents,
Reading is one of the most important skills your child will learn in school. Like all skills, improvement comes with practice, and the Aspen View Academy Library provides a wide variety of books for students to borrow for reading practice, information, and enjoyment. Your
student’s class will visit the school library weekly to select books. You can help your student by reading to or with him/her and asking questions about the story. Encourage your child to spend time reading at home every day.
*Students are responsible to handle library books with care, since they are for everyone to share. Please keep books away from pets, food, and all liquids.
*Any book damage should be reported to the library as soon as possible so we can attempt repairs.
*Library books may be kept for 2-4 weeks then must be returned. A book may be renewed (checked out again) if the student is not finished reading it. An overdue (late) book means a student cannot borrow another book (until the overdue book is renewed or returned).
*If a book is lost, payment toward a replacement will be requested from the parents. Fees will be assessed on My School Bucks.
*When students are not reading their library books, please help remind them to put them in their backpacks or a consistent place in the home.
We hope your student will read and enjoy many books and grow in reading skills while attending our school.
Happy Reading,
Mrs. O'Reilly
What is the Birthday Book Club?
Birthday Book Club invites families to recognize their child’s birthday by donating a book to the school library. Each donation is recognized by placing a bookplate with the child’s name on the front endpaper of the new book.
How do I participate?
- Access the Amazon Wish List
- Click the link above or scan the QR code to visit the wish list.
- Help your child select a book from the list. PLEASE SELECT HARD COVER OR LIBARY BOUND BOOKS. This will ensure that your child's birthday book lasts a very long time in our wonderful library.
- Order the book.
- Select: "This is a Gift"
- Ship to: "Gift Registry Address" (to ship the book directly to AVA)
- At the "Gift Message" prompt, please add your student's name and homeroom
What happens next?
- When the book arrives at AVA, it will be processed as a library book and a Birthday Book Club sticker will be affixed to the inside of the front cover. Your child's name will be added to that sticker.
- Your child will be presented with the book in class, photographed with his/her book, and the photo will be added to the Birthday Book Club webpage! Your child will be the first to borrow and read this new library book!