Aspen View Academy Home

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Kids First. Parent Choice.

Admin Message

As the school year draws to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible achievements of our PTO throughout the 2023-2024 school year. Our community's support and dedication have allowed us to make a significant impact on our students, staff, and school environment. Click here to check out our 2023-2024 Year in Review.
We are incredibly proud of these achievements and grateful for the unwavering support from our volunteers, parents, and community partners. Your contributions, whether time, effort, or financial support, have made this year a resounding success. Here's to continuing our mission of enhancing the educational experience for all students and fostering a supportive and vibrant school community.
We hope you can join us on July 9th,10:00am at Zach Parrish Park for our 2024-2025 kick-off meeting! We will have popsicles for the kids. Please watch our facebook page and the event calendar for meeting updates.

Thank you for a fantastic year!
Jaime Hinrichs
Jessica Simon
Cheryl O'Neil
Shannon Petersen
Alex Nejad